この度、当施設内にあります宿泊処「鐵十郎」が、大手旅行予約サイト Booking.comの「Traveller Review Awards 2025」 を受賞いたしました!
この賞は、実際にご利用いただいたお客様からBooking.com に寄せられた 3億6,000万件以上のクチコミ に基づき決定されるのですが、なんと平均レビュースコアは 9.8 という高評価!
This time, the accommodation “Tetsujuro” located in this facility has won the “Traveller Review Awards 2025” from the major travel reservation site Booking.com!
This award is determined based on more than 360 million reviews sent to Booking.com from customers who have actually used it, and the average review score is a high rating of 9.8!
Over the past year, we have been working hard to deliver an experience that will make our guests feel at ease and happy, and we are pleased to receive your passion and receive this award.
This is also thanks to everyone who always supports us. Thank you very much. From now on, “I want to stay again!” We will strive for hospitality that will make you think so, so thank you for your patronage.